Behind The Brand

Nicol Rae

Rae 1976 was established in memory of this beauty of a soul, Nicol Rae Stone-Leimert.  There are sooooo many things I would love to tell you about this lady!

I will start by saying she had a servants heart and lived her life always looking for a way to make this world a better place.  She was selfless, funny, spontaneous, and loving! She could find the positive in everything and had an attitude of sincere gratitude.

The business side of Nicol … well she was a certainly an influential risk taker on many levels. She was never afraid to step outside of the “box” and always up for a new challenge!  She was hard working (maybe a little hard headed), smart and disciplined!  Nicol truly was a trend setter in many ways!  If you were lucky enough to know her … you would have loved her!

I miss my beautiful Auntie everyday!  She has been a true inspiration in my life which has led me to find my own entrepreneurial path. I watched her help to empower women and it is my goal to do the same with Rae 1976.  If she was here today, I know she would be proud and she would be saying “you go girl”!